Thursday, 16 May 2013

Hello dear Harmonisers 

Just a couple of things regarding the concert... 

One is that - we can get access to St Peter's well before 6.30 on the evening of the concert - so we will have plenty of time to set up. We'll let you know when the doors will be open for set up (probably around 5.30)

The other thing is - please please please sign up to volunteer for the various jobs that are absolutely essential if we are going to have another excellent concert. There are a number of jobs to be done - none of them hugely demanding. The sign up sheets will be one of the tables at the back (or side) of the hall. This concert needs really YOU!! 

And - re. a  future opportunity : Tony Backhouse will be running a workshop in Edinburgh in September (possibly 21st September). Details will be available soon. 

Meanwhile he has a request: 
It's possible our usual accommodation will not be available. If so, do you know anyone who could billet Marianne and me for a few nights? We will arrive in Edinburgh on Friday September 20, and plan to depart on Monday 23 or Tuesday 24. 

Please contact Irene Railley if you can help with this:
