Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Soon we'll be back

Hello friends 

The beginning of term - wonderfully - is now very close - Monday 8th. 

As well as welcoming Matthew on 8th. We'll be welcoming 3, possibly a few more, new members. As you know, we always make sure that 2-3 members meet and greet newcomers and spend a little while with them explaining 'what happens', where the different parts stand/sit etc (And, this time, that we'll be having the AGM).  Olive will be there to meet & greet and we need one or two other members to join her. Please let Olive or me (Sally) know if you're happy to do this. Many thanks. 

Re. The AGM, the Chair's report has been circulated. However if you haven't received this please contact me. The Treasurer's Report will be emailed to you before 8th. 

Also, of much interest -  Matthew is a soloist (Gerontius) in a performance of Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius in Glasgow on Saturday 13th October. The details are: 7.30 pm, 13th October, Bute Hall, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow. Tickets £10 (children free) or 0141 554 1333 (

See you soon....