Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dear friends 
As I mentioned on Monday evening Ali Burns has been in touch re. some research about Community Choirs which she is doing for Scotland Sings. 

There is a short questionnaire for choir members and if you have time and the inclination it would be great if you  could complete it and email your answers as soon as possible to Ali at: The best method (I think...) would be to copy the questions onto an email  

The questions for members are :

What is the name of the choir you attend?

How do you pay your membership and workshops fees

Do you have a separate membership?

How much do you pay?

How many terms run?

How many weeks per term

What do you enjoy?

What keeps you attending?

How would you describe the song material you work on?

Do you sing harmonies and arrangements in your choir? Please specify

What hot tips would you give to a choir leader to develop your enjoyment of the workshops?

Hope this works!!  