Saturday, 2 February 2013

Recordings and experiment!

Dear friends,

I have been working flat out on the CD and am about 2/3 of the way there (and yes, Shenandoah is done!)

You should be getting, or may already have, an email from Sally with two pieces to photocopy. The good news is that, with these pieces printed, we will have all the music we need for the our concert. The programme stands as follows:

Harmonise Concert - Friday 7 June 2013

•  Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
•  Amani Utupe Na Ustawe
•  Wai Bamba Wai (with AP*)
•  Wayfarin' Stranger
•  Lonesome Road
•  Shenandoah
•  Bridge Over Troubled Water


•  Meguru
•  My Paddle (with AP)
•  Jordan Train
•  Lean on Me

Guest Spot

•  Siyahamba
•  [encore] Wai Bamba Wai (with AP)

* = audience participation

Please keep persevering with the huge and insanely difficult pieces - I promise that conquering the mountain will be worth the climb!

Finally, could some folk try clicking on the link below and let me know if it works? It should be a link to an SATB version of Meguru (to prove I really have been recording!)

All the very best,
