I took Adele into hospital for induction 5pm Tuesday
Weighs in at 3.27kg which I believe comes to 7lb 3oz in old money. Not much hair. But requisite no. of toes and stuff, and seems very alert and engaged again with lots of eye contact right from the off. Also reasonably placid, I'd say, considering the circumstances.
Here's a few pics: http://gallery.me.com/nickfiddes#100208&bgcolor=black&view=grid&sel=0 First is from approx 1hr after birth. Other two from this morning, when I sneaked Amity in for a visit, against the rules. Amity is chuffed to bits, and coped admirably with mum missing for a couple of nights. We're going back in the afternoon to pick them up, touch wood.
Now we just have to think of a name….
See you all soon!
Nick (of the Basses)
Congratulations all round, Nick, from everyone in Harmonise!!