Friday, 23 September 2011

Can you support this? (reposted)

Can you support this?
Originally Posted: 22 Sep 2011 03:14 AM PDT

Hello Harmonise, I've (Jane) been asked to tell you about this and it looks like a great thing to support.  It's only for 15 minutes, although could be longer if you go for a repeat in Glasgow.  I will certainly be at the Edinburgh one.  If you can make it, please scroll down and respond by (new) email to Joan Bree, not to me. Tell her you're from Harmonise.  It's a new venture for Joan and will lift her spirits if lots of us join this.  Look forward to seeing you on the 3rd, anyway!!  Jane

Flash Choir! 

10th October 2011 

10.30 am at Castle Street, Edinburgh and 1.30 pm at Buchanan Street, Glasgow. 

‘see me’ launchs its week of activities for Scottish Mental Health Week with a Flash Choir! 

We have invited members of choirs from Edinburgh and Glasgow to join us to help raise awareness of ‘see me’s campaign to change public perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards people with a mental health illness.

The Flash Choir! will last approx. 15 – 20 minutes in each site.  We have selected a couple of songs to sing on the day and are still seeking a rousing inspirational song to finish off with! 

The two songs we have so far are Lean on Me by Bill Withers and Bambalela, a South African song that translates to Never Give Up. 

Our plan is to start in Edinburgh at 10.30 am and then get the train through to Glasgow for a repeat performance.  ‘see me’ will of course cover travel expenses and provide refreshments. 

‘see me’ will video the event and we will get the footage up on our website, Facebook page and Utube as quickly as we can.   We will also be carrying out interviews to camera with some of our ‘see me’ media volunteers and handing out ‘see me’ information leaflets and wallet cards with tips on how to look after your own mental health.   

If you are available on Monday 10th October during the day and would like to be a part of this exciting and fun day out please let me know by emailing   Let me know what choir you belong to and I will get back to you with full details.  

Finally, if you know of a good song to finish on please send me your suggestions!   

Nick's News!

Hi all! Various people were asking at the picnic that I let you know when we had news. So... we got there at last. Phew!

I took Adele into hospital for induction 5pm Tuesday and Amity's new little sister was finally timed at arriving 6.36pm last night (CM - email received 22nd so think 'last night refers to 21st?).

Weighs in at 3.27kg which I believe comes to 7lb 3oz in old money. Not much hair. But requisite no. of toes and stuff, and seems very alert and engaged again with lots of eye contact right from the off. Also reasonably placid, I'd say, considering the circumstances.

Here's a few pics: First is from approx 1hr after birth. Other two from this morning, when I sneaked Amity in for a visit, against the rules.  Amity is chuffed to bits, and coped admirably with mum missing for a couple of nights. We're going back in the afternoon to pick them up, touch wood.

Now we just have to think of a name….
See you all soon!
Nick (of the Basses)

Congratulations all round, Nick, from everyone in Harmonise!!